Excerpts of ISFAA: Creating a Proud Tradition 1935-1985

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Who Are We?
by Josephine Ferguson


A fiftieth anniversary is cause for celebration and special events to commemorate the occasion. As such, calendar year 1985 has been proclaimed ISFAA's year of celebration.

Beginning with a contest in December, 1984 to select a new ISFAA logo for use throughout 1985, extensive plans have been made to note our proud age. Many individuals have contributed their time and services to plan and coordinate our special activities.

At our annual Spring Retreat, April 28-30, 1985 at the Brown County Inn, we begin distribution of this history. We also will conduct a 'fun" birthday celebration, complete with cake, party, and gifts. Then, in conjunction with the annual Fall Meeting in December, 1985, we will have a special anniversary symposium on "'The Impact of Financial Aid on Postsecondary Education," with federal, state, and institutional perspectives. Invited guests will include the National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators National Council, the Midwest Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators Executive Council, former ISFAA presidents and members, presidents of Indiana postsecondary institutions, state legislators, and presidents of other organizations involved in the administration of student financial aid.

A book like this is born out of the love and dedication of special people who care about the past and see it as a tool for the future. Although several individuals have been somewhat involved in the production of this history, the book remains the work of two individuals--Mrs. Josephine Ferguson and Mr. Edson Sample. Without their interest and dedication, ISFAA would not know its history. Because of their efforts, we know our beginnings as well as our present.

To Josephine Ferguson and Edson Sample, we as an association extend our gratitude and respect. As you have been a part of our past, so may you be part of our future.

Linda Lee Maxwell ISFAA President 1984-85
Mark Franke ISFAA President 1985-86


Sometime early in 1983, I became involved in attempting to authenticate the age of the Indiana Student Financial Aid Association as well as to establish the identity of those men and women who led the Association through its long history. It surprised me to learn how difficult it was to gather the facts of the fifty year history. I found myself ever more convinced of the responsibility we senior members have to leave a legacy of history to all of those who will follow.

The history has many gaps. We know of the dynamic and resolute men and women who led us in the 1940s and 195Os, but have little to report of their deliberations and their overriding concerns. We know there was much going on because we were there but, alas, meeting records, except for a few, have not been found. Perhaps the search will go on. The Association plans to dedicate the voluminous collection of materials assembled for this effort to an archival library for further reference.

Piecing this history together would have been impossible without the initiative of Jean Harvey, who in 1961 put to paper the origins of our group. We are all indebted to her for that effort. A copy of her history is found in Appendix I. Neither would this effort in its present form have been possible without the considerable assistance received from Edson W. Sample. Ed prodded me on, helped edit, made valuable suggestions, and found ways to overcome hurdles

So many others helped. Everyone to whom I turned was supportive. Byron Doenges filled in valuable facts. Nelson Parkhurst, John Horner, John Hicks, Robert Farber, and Norm Beck all helped fill in SSACI information. Louis Fontaine and Edward Lutz of the SSACI staff gave much help.

I am indebted to Donald Holec for leading me through the Purdue archives, to the archivist at Indiana University, to Ray Butler of the Indiana Conference on Higher Education, and to many others who located dusty documents.

Linda Maxwell, current President of ISF AA, provided invaluable support and encouragement. Linda Handy and Patricia King assisted with writing and editing. Edward Detamore helped with formatting and visuals.

'Ihe point of view taken throughout is necessarily that of the author. My apologies to anyone I may have offended through over emphasis or omission.

We dedicate this history of our first half century to those Hoosiers who will carry on our important profession.