ISFAA Support Staff Workshop


The ISFAA Support Staff Workshop provides a comprehensive full-day professional development opportunity for support staff throughout the state. This workshop aims to enhance the skills and knowledge of participants, offering valuable insights and practical training tailored to the unique needs of financial aid professionals. Through interactive sessions, expert presentations, and networking opportunities, attendees can expect to gain a deeper understanding of best practices, emerging trends, and effective strategies to excel in their roles. The ISFAA Support Staff Workshop is a key event designed to support the continuous growth and development of financial aid support staff. 

Date:  Friday, September 20, 2024

Time:  9:00 AM - 4:00 PM EST

Location:  Ivy Tech IFC - Indianapolis

Topics to be covered:  Building your brand, leading from where you are, career progression, guiding rural and first gen students, PJ counseling, recognizing fraud, among others.

Click here to register: Registration is Now Open!

Registration open to ISFAA Members.
  • ISFAA Members - FREE
  • Renew ISFAA Membership to attend - $60

Lunch will be provided, along with snack breaks sponsored by KHEAA, KHESLC, and College Ave.